Thursday, March 08, 2007

When does a beard stop being ironic?

OK, so I am finally writing my second ever blog post (don't all clap at once). This one is about facial hair. I just have one question: when does this whole indie hipster thing of facial hair and bbad late 70's/early 80's clothes play itself out? At first I sorta liked the beard thing, but after awhile, doesn't it stop being ironic and just become kind of unappealing? Are there chicks who really dig guys who look like they just stepped out of Napoleon Dynamite or the latest Wes Anderson flick? I mean, a beard is a pretty big committment. At what point does the irony end and the realization that "man, I have a beard on my face" begin? And where do you go from there? Can you really go any further than that? Are we all devolving into the guys from the "Even a Caveman Can Do It" commercials (which, by the way are getting their own TV pilot, according to today's news)?

I think quoting my favorite exchange in Ghost World is appropriate at this time:

Rebecca: This is so bad it's almost good.
Enid: This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.

All right, so I asked more than one question. But it really comes down to one question: When does looking bad stop being all cool and ironic and become just...well, just plain bad?

OK, the obligatory section with a music tip and fake band names:

Might I suggest that you listen to the new Deerhoof album, Friend Opportunity? It rocks (I know, I need to stop using that word). It is even more accessible than their 2005 album, The Runners Four. Some people hate SF experimental indie pop band Deerhoof. They hate the mix of somewhat difficult, ever-changing music and the child-like lyrics sung by a Japanese expat with a little girl voice. One critic even said they were "like John and Yoko...without John" (which I would actually argue was not always a bad thing). Anyway, Runners Four found the band becoming much more listenable and catchy for the average person, and as a result much more endearing. Friend Opportunity is even better. Check it out. Check them both out.

And here are this blog's selections of Fake band names.
As I said in the last blog, my friend Chadd and I have been building up a list of hundreds of suggested band names for several years now. Some I consider off-limits because they are so good (or horrible), but I will share a few of the sharables with you:

-The Pornados (this is Chadd's contribution, and he informs us that it is pronounced like "Tornados", except with a "P" in place of the "T")
-The Ladyfriends
-Nauga Ranch
-The Tina Yothers Experience
-Rainbow Suspenders


Maura said...

I think that the overall look needs to be taken into consideration. There are some who can pull off that scruffy, hippie, "I don't care what I look like" look. Yes, that is a look. Everyone has a look... and an opinion for that matter. I personally dont think that anything ever really goes out of style or becomes out dated. Take the 80's just when we thought it was outdated, it makes a comeback. What people were thinking, that I am not sure of. It seems as if our society is a conglomeration of people who are stuck in different times and moments. Some date to the 70's scruffiness, some to the 80's, some to the world of business, some who never lose the "classic black" ideal, and many others. I saw a guy walking around town once who looked like he stepped out of the 1920's Jazz age... he was about 20. To each his own, live what you wear, and wear what you feel most comfortable in.

Me personally, I have recently made the obeservation that my wardrobe lends easily to a pirate... Adventure on!


curseofleisure said...

Good point, maura. I came off a bit critical in my post. (I sometimes tend to make strong statements at times because they can make for more interesting debate). I agree with you. We live in a post-modern world, in which everything--music, art, film, fashion, etc.--is, as you put it so well, a conglomeration of many different times and moments and movements and ideas. There is a sense in the world that nothing new can be done before, that it has all been done. I'm not sure that's true, but that seems to be the world attitude right now. This means that things that "ape" previous eras and styles can sometimes appear to be ironic or tongue-in-cheek. But the best looks are those that recreate something so perfectly and with such confidence that there is no question they are doing it with reverence, or the ones that synthesize various influences into something totally new. I'm with you. I love it that there are different times places and modes walking around. This may be one of the greatest eras to people watch in ever. I must say, though, that I suspicion a lot of the people with the "I don't care what I look like" look took more time and thought to get that look just right than the people who have the "I care what I look like" look. Thank you for being the first to comment on my blog, maura.

Maura said...

To be quite honest your comment was not too strong or anything, i jsut thought it was interesting. it reminded me alot of some of my friends. But all in all it is interesting to look at the people who have their own defined look and compare them with what I like to call "cookie cutters." I feel like the cookie cutters are the ones who try to fit themselves into a box, into what is cool, and hip and now. They are often the ones i try to avoid because they have little to no personality. But they are also distinctly different from the ones who find a look taht works for them and stick with it. Its almost like you can tell which ones fit in their skin and which ones try but dont.

its an interestig concept and I feel like you are correct... its an interesting age for people watching. One of the most...

and it was my pleasure posting on your blog... thanks for returning the favor